The study found that women who are afraid of bitterness have a high risk of cancer

The study found that women who are afraid of bitterness have a high risk of cancer

August 14, 2018 Source: Life Times

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A new study from Pennsylvania State University found that women who are highly sensitive to bitterness are at higher risk of cancer than those who are not afraid of bitterness.

Joshua Lambert, an associate professor of food science at the Pennsylvania State University College of Agriculture, and his team selected 5,500 female participants to follow up on their diet, lifestyle, and health for 20 years. The researchers looked at the bitter taste receptors of the participants and their tolerance to the bitter chemical phenylthiourea, and assessed the risk of cancer in the participants based on the incidence data provided by the UK National Health Service. The results of the analysis showed that compared with women who were least sensitive to bitterness, the incidence of cancer in hypersensitive people was 58% higher, and that in sensitive people was also about 40% higher. The research was published in the European Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers say that the higher risk of cancer in people who are sensitive to bitterness is mainly due to dietary preferences and dietary quality. Especially when their daily consumption of bitter vegetables is low, it has a greater impact on health, because bitter vegetables mostly have the effect of preventing cancer. (Xiao Zhongyan)

Galvanized Steel Pipes

Hot-dip galvanization is a form of galvanization. It is the process of coating iron and steel with zinc, which alloys with the surface of the base metal when immersing the metal in a bath of molten zinc at a temperature of around 840 °F (449 °C). When exposed to the atmosphere, the pure zinc (Zn) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form zinc oxide (ZnO), which further reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2) to form zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), a usually dull grey, fairly strong material that protects the steel underneath from further corrosion in many circumstances. Galvanized steel is widely used in applications where corrosion resistance is needed without the cost of stainless steel, and is considered superior in terms of cost and life-cycle.

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