Can not be underestimated in the autumn

Huaihua News Online Recently, the temperature in Huaihua has plummeted, and many citizens’ friends may feel physical discomfort. The so-called “Autumn sleepy autumn”, after entering the autumn, as the weather gradually turns cold, the human body systems have also changed accordingly, autumn health care can not be overlooked.

Recently, the temperature has begun to enter a stage of significant change. At this time, the weather is mostly cold and cool, the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large, the air humidity is low, the sultry is no longer, Qiuzao gradually, is the otolaryngitis, (bronchitis) and other respiratory tract Disease, and the season in which spleen and stomach diseases can easily recur.

Dr. Yu Zhong, the Second Hospital of Huaihua City, said that autumn is the best season for health, because the autumn climate is relatively dry and the dry climate can easily injure the body's lungs. In the autumn, the yang gradually gets in and the yin grows. Maintaining the yin in the body is the most important task. One of the most important principles in Chinese medicine is “nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs” and “raising yin and rejuvenating the body”. Dr. Yu told reporters that the public can eat more acidic foods such as lotus seeds and hawthorn, which can play a role in converging lungs. Some white fungus and lily play a role in lungs, and they must eat less greasy and spicy food. Fall health Yangfei, you can drink a little chicken soup and bone soup. (Reporter Li Pubing)

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